personal branding

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

Can I Use Tables to Format My Resume?

The dreaded ATS & Table debate. Short answer – I wouldn’t. Caveats – it’s probably ok. The ATS debate really stems a lot from actual fact, but has been bumped up by resume writers and other career professionals looking to add value to their clients. Some if it totally accurate, some if it more fluffy.  Read more

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

What’s Your Jobsearch IQ?

Nearly all of my clients, whether young or old, experienced or novice, career changers or returning to work, entry level or executive, all ask similar questions about the actual logistics of job searching. How do I connect with recruiters? Where should I be looking for jobs? Do thank you notes really matter? Will anyone read my cover letterRead more

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

Three Tips for Staying Sane While Searching for a New Job

When you first start looking for jobs, one of the most daunting things is just how time-consuming it actually is. As annoying as it may be, it makes sense. You spend more time working than just about anything else. It’s a really important process, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. So, what’s the right way to keep yourself from going crazy when you’re looking for a jobRead more

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

Top Three Ways You’re Getting in the Way of Your Own Success

One of the most interesting parts of my career as a professional resume writer is that I get to talk to really successful people on a pretty regular basis. I also have the opportunity to speak with others who aren’t yet there, or are on their way. What never ceases to amaze me is that the people who have made it just did it. Less planning and thinking about it, and more going after it.

Ever wonder why you haven’t found the big idea yet? Probably because you’re sitting here trying to come up with the big idea. Looking for a better plan? Do something! Go outside, start gardening, take your kids out for a walk in the park. Get yourself a massage and take a long, hot shower. Your brain will start firing on its own when you start getting yourself into a more productive, zen state of mind.

Successful people have a lot in common. Here’s the top three that I observe.  Read more

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